Doctor _ Nino Beridze

Speciality : Orthodontists

Nino Beridze


  • 1995-2000 – Tbilisi State Medical University, faculty of Stomatology TSMU №101019
  • 2000-2002 – Yekaterinburg (Russia) State Medical Academy, post graduate full course of Orthodontic
  • 2014-2016 – International mini residential course in orthodontic „Face treatment Philosophy” Istanbul Turkey


Courses of Professional Development:

  • 05.2003 Using of osteoplasty materials in periodontology. Tbilisi
  • 18-30.10-2004 Modern issues of orthodontics - Yekaterinburg
  • 19-21.06/2008 modeling of contact point class II by Black. Using a Silicone Preparation Guide For Veneers
  • 5-6.03 2004 Modern Straight wire treatment philosophy – Prof. Dr. Nazan Kucukkeles Baku/Azerbaijan
  • 8-9.09/2004 Micro Implant Anchorage Orthodontics – Prof. Hee-Moon Kyung, Baku/Azerbaijan
  • 09-01.10.2005 Interdisciplinary cooperation between orthodontist and prosthodontist for improved aesthetic results: short and long term results. Bjorn U. Zachrisson and Sverker Toreskog, Saint-Petersburg Russia.
  • 09.09.2005 Lingual Orthodontic Treatment. Prof Hee-Moon Kyung
  • 09.09.2005 Conventional Lingual Orthodontic Treatment and Plain Wire System. Baku/Azerbaijan
  • 10.2005 Comprehensive Lingual Orthodontics Curs. Saint-Petersburg Russia.
  • 2005 Modern methods of treatment with partial edentulous. Tbilisi
  • 25-26.11.2006 Directional force technology using SWA and MIA. Prof. Jae Hyun Sung Baku/Azerbaijan
  • 2007 Problems of periodontology – Tbilisi
  • 2007 Modern Aspects of Dental Implantology – Tbilisi
  • 15.03.2008 Modern Orthodontic The use of Selfligating Systems. Dr. Alexander Gebhardt, Baku/Azerbaijan
  • 09-13.03.2009 Modern Methods of Diagnostic and Treatment Procedures. Prof. Paul-George Jost Brinkmann, Charite Center Germany
  • 23-24.09.2010 - Topical Aspects of Orthodontics, Kiev, Ukraine
  • 25-27.11.2010 International Symposium “Orthodontics 2010”. Prague, Czech republic
  • 3-6.09.2013 Temporomadibular Joint Dysfunction and Occlusion. Prof. Jeffrey Okeson. Kiev, Ukraine
  • 16.11.2013 The 1st Caucasian lecture –Seminar Principles of Orthodontic Surgery
  • 14-15.03 2014 Facial Esthetics from Childhood to Adulthood. Prof. Domingo Martin. Istanbul Turkey •
  • The 10th Annual International Congress of The Georgian Stomatological Association. Batumi Georgia
  • 13.12.2014 passed the certification master class and allowed to use the system of invisible aligners “Easy Align”. Dr.Olena Bogoliubova
  • 2-3.05. 2015 Tbilisi 5th International Dental Congress. Tbilisi Georgia.
  • 15.05. 2015 Master-Class and lecture Course “Orthodontic Technology”. Prof. Dr. Habil. Andrej Zentner
  • 10-11.09.2016 “Non-extraction treatment. State of the art techniques and clinical key points”. Dmitry Bogatyrkov. PhD.
  • 03.2017 – “Advanced Orthodontics – an Individual Approach and Commitment to Excellence”, Alexey Petrov. Tbilisi;
  • 04.2017 – The 5th International Congress of Healthcare Professionals League. Tbilisi;
  • 22-23.04.2017, Tbilisi – “Functional Occlusion”- Stanislav Blum, organizer, Tbilisi;
  • 10.2017 – International Conference of the World Dental Federation (FDI), dental education program;
  • 11.2017 – The 1st International Congress of the Pediatric Dentists of Georgia”, organizer, Tbilisi;
  • 24-25.11.2017 – “What Should the Dentist Know about Temporomandibular Disorder, Fact and Fantasy’’, Jeffrey Okeson (Georgia);
  • 27-29.04.2018 –  The Second International Congress of Children’s Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry, New Generation, Art of Inspiration; Kiev, Ukraine;
  • 05. 2018 – “Childhood Traumas, Management of Children’s Behavior at the Dental Appointment”. Katerina Mikhalkova. organizer, Tbilisi;
  • 18-19.06.2018 – “Modern Concepts of Orthodontics”, Dr. Domingo Martin, organizer, Tbilisi;
  • 11. 2018 – The 2nd International Congress of the Pediatric Dentists of Georgia”, organizer, Tbilisi.
  • 23.02.2019 –Orthodontic Treatment of calss III Maloclusion. John Bennet.

  • 22-23.03.2019 – Basics of Gnatology. Alexander Budovsky. Tbilisi

  • 12.04.2019 – Strategic Thinking in Orthodontics. Dr. Itamar M. Friendlander. Barcelona.

  • 12.05.2019 – Actual Issues in Pediatrics and Dentistry. VII Union Congress of healthcare Professionals League. Tbilisi
  • 11.05.2019 – Early Treatment in Orthodontics. Tbilisi.
  • 16-18.05.2019 – Annual Congress on Pediatric Dentistry, Vienna. JWKK

  • 27.10.2019 – MSE Seminar. Thomas R. Bales. Kiev, Ukraine.

  • 14-15.09.2020 - Invisalign Certification Training

  • 2020               - Symposium 2020 with the topic "Digital Orthodontics" - fORESTADENT

  • 17.10.2021      - Modern treatment of children using gnathological principles.

  • 2022               - Digital Orthodontics: "State of the art and Future", Prof. Dr. Ravindra Nanda

  • 2020               - "The Importance of Stable Joint Position Before Surgery", Konkmaz Sayinsu

  • 2020               - "Is digital orthodontics changing the way we care for our patients"? Dr. Lars Christensen

  • 17.09.2022      - Conference of the Independent Association of Orthopedists and Implantologists of Georgia                                                                   "Legal aspects of medical activity" - speaker Nino Beridze


Professional Background:

  • 2003-2006 – Dental Clinic “Geodent” – Orthodontist
  • 2003-2009 – Dental Clinic “Denta+” – Orthodontist
  • 2006-2009 – Dental Clinic “Cedex” – Orthodontist
  • 2010 Dental Clinic “Nino Beridze’s Orthodontic Center” – Orthodontist, Head of Clinic Other



Additional Information:

  • 8-9.10.2013 Strategy of Extraordinary Customer Service. Michael Bang
  • 03.2014-27.03.2014 Modern Methods of Management
  • 22.09.-15.10 – 2015 Integrated Marketing Communication. Trainer Tornike Guruli


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