Dental Surgery

Dental Surgery   Dental Surgery, Bone augmentation, Cystectomy, Gum Contouring, Apicoectomy, Small and large tumors surgical treatment, Lingual and lip frenulum Plastic, Surgical treatment of jaw-facial injuries, Surgical dentistry, სიბრძნის კბილი, სიბრძნის კბილის ამოღება, ქირურგია, ქირურგიული სტომატოლოგია, კბილის ამოღება, სტომატოლოგია, კბილის ექსტრაქცია, სიბრძნის კბილები, კბილები, მერვე კბილი, ნაკერები, ექსტრაქცია ანუ ამოღება, რა არის ექსტრაქცია,

Some treatment courses require surgical interventions. Such cases include advanced periodontitis, cyst extraction, or implant placement.  Surgical intervention is required to deal with problematic wisdom teeth or unsalvegeable teeth.


Surgical dentistry includes:

  •  Tooth extraction, including impacted and partially impacted teeth extraction
  •  Surgical treatment of inflammatory processes 
  •  Surgical treatment of jaw-facial injuries
  •  Lingual and lip frenulum Plastic
  •  Small and large tumors surgical treatment
  •  Apicoectomy
  •  Bone Augmentation
  •  Gum Contouring
  •  Cystectomy


მერვე კბილის ექსტრაქცია, კბილის ამოღება, მერვე კბილი, სიბრძნის კბილი, სიბრძნის კბილის ამოღება, ქირურგია, ქირურგიული სტომატოლოგია, კბილის ამოღება, სტომატოლოგია, კბილის ექსტრაქცია, სიბრძნის კბილები, კბილები, მერვე კბილი, ნაკერები, ექსტრაქცია ანუ ამოღება,Dental Surgery, Bone augmentation, Cystectomy, Gum Contouring, Apicoectomy, Small and large tumors surgical treatment, Lingual and lip frenulum Plastic, Surgical treatment of jaw-facial injuries, Surgical dentistry,

Teeth extraction 

Our dentists make every effort to preserve your natural teeth. However, extractions are necessary when decay has made the tooth unsalvageable or when you have an advanced periodontal disease. When a tooth is malformed, damaged, impacted or ingrown, different procedures are used, but all extractions are considered surgery. Depending on which tooth is removed, we can offer you a replacement in the form of a dental implant or oral prosthetic. 


Bone augmentation

The augmentation is most commonly used before implant placement. The bone augmentation is performed by a bone graft, which is placing bone graft material to the existing bone in your jaw, which then adheres to it to form new bone. In a bone graft procedure, the surgeon will take a section of bone from another area of your body, or - as is most often the case now - use a special bone grafting material, and graft it onto your jaw bone. You will then have to wait, most likely several months, while the graft creates enough new, strong bone to make sure that the implant will be stable and secure. It is possible if you only need a minor graft that the procedure might be able to be done at the same time as the implant surgery, but your dental specialist will make the final decision. A successful bone graft allows your jaw bone to be strong enough to support your dental implant.



Cysts can be formed due to infection or trauma. As usual, patient can feel no discomfort for a long time and therefore cysts remain undetected. After diagnosed, one treatment course for cyst is cystectomy which involves removing cyst and cyst capsule. Depending on the size and form of the cyst, surgical intervention might cover one, two or even four teeth. In some cases, due to the high loss of bone, teeth may be removed. 

Laser gum contouring


Gum Contouring 

A gummy smile can significantly compromise the symmetry and beauty of your smile.

Laser gum contouring is a safe method of correcting an uneven gum line and revealing more of each tooth for a bigger, brighter smile.

  • Laser gum contouring takes only one appointment, and requires a recovery time of just a few days to a couple of weeks.
  • Removing even very small amounts of tissue can achieve striking effects.
  • Laser gum contouring reduces the already low risk of side effects, shortens recovery time, and eliminates the need for sutures.


