Smile correction

Aesthetically beautiful is considered to be a smile where the lower edge line of the lips runs along the edges of the gums. In cases when the gums are widely visible during the smile and the crown part of the teeth is short compared to the facial curvature, laser correction of the gums extends the teeth and beautifies the smile line.

 This surgical intervention gives the desired aesthetic effect.

But more important is the effect of the change in the shape of the gums on the health of the gums and teeth - the right gum protects the tooth from damage and vice versa - in the wrong position, the risk of tooth damage increases. 

Correction of the overgrown gum is done under local anesthesia, at no rate on the skin. It is completely painless.

Contour can be changed by laser as well as resection.

The postoperative period lasts several weeks, but is usually painless. 

Gum recession is a relatively acute problem. A justified method of its surgical treatment is to transplant a gum from another patient's tooth or gum. The postoperative period lasts about 6 months.
