News Invisalign Treatment in our Clinic





Our clinic is the official provider of Invisalign, and Nino Beridze is its certified orthodontist, which means that patients can already be treated with Invislaign liners in Georgia.


Invisalign _ invisible treatment, clear result.


Invisalign - the latest generation technology designed to reduce treatment time, with iTero's intraoral scanner, the patient can already see straight teeth in 60 seconds!


What is Invisalign?


Invisalign system - is a virtually invisible means of straightening teeth, using innovative 3D imaging technology, based on computer modeling and individual settings.

With Invisalign, it is now possible to see the full process of teeth straightening in advance, before starting treatment, from planning to the end of treatment, based on the diagnosis made by your doctor, Invisalign Certified Specialist.

A set of transparent liners is made especially for you to move the teeth step by step, according to the treatment plan.


What distinguishes Invisalign?


  • Is made with SmartTrack material that fits your teeth perfectly, it is comfortable and durable.
  • Invisalign is the only one that has a special system for children - Invisalign First.
  • Is the only one that successfully copes with complex forms of occlusal anomalies.



Why Invisalign? 


The American company Invisalign has been around for over 20 years

More than 4 million patients worldwide are satisfied with this method of treatment

Invisible and painless treatment process, in the shortest time

World stars choose Invisalign.


How does the Invisalign system work?


The liners move the teeth in strictly controlled and synchronized movements. At each stage, only the defined teeth movement takes place, depending on the planned process.



How long does Invisalign treatment take?


The timing of treatment depends on the complexity of the treatment. On average, treatment lasts 6 to 18 months. More accurate information will be provided by your doctor during the consultation.


What are the advantages of Invisalign?


  • Aesthetics
  • Ease of use
  • Comfort
  • Usual hygiene procedures (caps come off and do not interfere with chewing)
  • Time-saving (does not require long and frequent visits to doctors).


Invisalign system allows you to see the treatment plan and the virtual result before starting the treatment.

Invisalign liners are transparent and practically no one will notice that you are undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Because Invisalign liners are removable during the treatment period, you can take any food and drink after removing them.

Noteworthy is one of the big pluses of liners - hygiene. If, in addition to the brush and toothpaste, additional hygienic means are necessary when wearing braces: floss, irrigator, interdental brush, etc., in the case of caps, everything is much easier, you open and brush your teeth. It is recommended to wear liners for 22 hours a day.

Unlike the traditional bracket system, the liners do not contain metal elements and wires. Which means that in most cases, visits to your orthodontist will take you much less time than with braces.


What are liners made of and what do they look like?


The almost invisible liners are made of durable, medical-grade, thermoplastic material designed specifically for Invisalign. This material is called SmartTrack.


 Can any doctor treat with Invisalign?


Although the Invisalign system can be used with many treatment concepts, special training is required for its use. All orthodontists who are interested in treating patients with Invisalign are required to undergo training.

Worldwide, more than 90,000 orthodontists and dentists have been trained to work with the Invisalign system.


How often is it necessary to visit a doctor after starting treatment with Invisalign?


Patients usually visit their treating physicians at 6-8 week intervals to make sure treatment is going according to plan and with that, get the next set of liners.


Is Invisalign treatment painful?


A certain number of patients may experience slight discomfort for several days after receiving a new liner. This is completely normal and is usually described as a feeling of light pressure. The given symptom is an indication that the liners are working and usually after a few days this feeling will pass.


Is it necessary to wear retainers after finishing treatment with Invisalign?


Studies show that after straightening the teeth, it is possible for them to return to their original positions over time.

Therefore, wearing retainers after completing any orthodontic treatment is an important step because, these devices allow you to maintain a new location of the teeth.


For more information call us: (032) 2 322 227

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