News When treatment with braces is required for more than one family member

When treatment with braces is required for more than one family memberNo description available.


Beautifying a smile with braces is a long process. However, when several family members undergo orthodontic treatment at the same time, it means saving time in the long run. If you decide to start orthodontic treatment for one of your children, think about whether it might be worthwhile to treat other family members with braces at the same time.

The pros of this decision:

If more than one of your children starts orthodontic treatment at the same time, it may also bring them closer together. Because they will have the same experience of caring for the cavity and striving for a new smile.


You will solve the feeding issue more easily

During treatment, your children should be able to get safe food for their braces. If you have several children and only one is treated with braces, it may be a little difficult for them to follow the rules of nutrition in the constant company of other children. But if several family members undergo orthodontic treatment together, it is easier for you and the children to compile a menu that will not damage their braces. This will make it easier for you to buy products and eat outside the house.


Save time

If you decide to treat several of your children at the same time, this will save you time and energy. At Nino Beridze Orthodontic Center you will be able to book a visit to the orthodontist for two or more children at the same time. In addition, your children will most likely be able to see a new smile at the same time, which will be very fun and enjoyable.


You will save finances

Saving time and reducing stress are the advantages of treating several family members with braces at the same time. No less important, however, is the reduction in finances. In Nino Beridze’s orthodontic center you can enjoy family discount on orthodontic services. Start treating 2 or more family members at once and get a 10% discount.

Finally, with us there is no age limit. You and your family can have orthodontic treatment at any age.

Let’s take care of a healthy and happy smile together!


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