What are Dental Implants?   dental implants, implants, orthopedics

Dental implant is an artificial root of tooth that is usually made by pure titanium. Dental implant is the most accurate treatment method to replace the missing tooth without damaging the teeth. Dental implants contribute to the chewing function, the first step of the digestion, as much as our own teeth. 


How is Implant Treatment Applied?

The first step in dental implant treatment is an accurate planning. In our clinics, high-tech 3D imaging systems are used to evaluate the detailed bone structure.

After planning, the implant is applied to the jawbone by a qualified Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon. It takes approximately 2 months for the implant to fuse with the lower jawbone and 3 months for the upper jawbone.

Once the healing is complete, an abutment is placed to the dental implant for the planned prosthesis to be attached. A crown, bridge or removable prosthesis is then attached to the abutment.


dental implants, implants, dental teeth, teeth implant,

Advantages of Implant Treatment  

  • Implants are made of solid materials such as titanium, and are compatible with human body and natural materials.
  •  Implants prevents jaw bone loss and maintain its natural structure.
  •  In case of single tooth loss, incomplete teeth is completed without touching the adjacent stable teeth
  • In case of total teeth loss, it is possible to make a permanent prosthesis instead of using removable prosthesis which are difficult to use.
  •  Implants appear in perfect harmony with your natural teeth. Face symmetry and natural smile are restored.
  •  Implants can last a lifetime with proper oral care and regular check-ups.



To avail implant treatment with professional equipments, you can book an appointment with our specialists using the form below. For further details, you can check our frequently asked questions.


Frequently Asked Questions on Implant Treatments  dental implants, implants,


  •  How long is implant treatment completed?

The implants are expected to fuse with the bone within 2 months in the lower jaw and 3 months in the upper jaw.


  • Do you experience pain and swelling after treatment?

There may be mild swelling and bruising on the cheeks, but a cold compress application after treatment reduces these effects within 24 hours. Even though severe pain is not experienced, the pain that may occur on the first day is managed by a medication.


  •  Does the implant damage the gums?

No. Dental implants are made of titanium and are highly compatible with the human body. It does not carry any risk of allergies.
