Instantaneous implantation of teeth

One-time, instantaneous or immediate implantation - a procedure that requires some knowledge and experience from the dentist.

This type of surgery is a distinctive manipulation for doctors and especially patients. Pavle Khujadze, orthopedist-implantologist of Nino Beridze orthodontic center, will help us to find out what is different and what are the advantages of instant implantation compared to the classic one.


What is a one-moment implant?

One-moment or instantaneous implantation is called tooth restoration manipulation, when the implant is placed in the wound as soon as the tooth is removed and it all happens in one visit. Instantaneous implantation is most in demand in the frontal area, i.e. where aesthetics are most important.

The instant method significantly reduces the rehabilitation time and allows the patient to fix the temporary construction.


What types of implants are there?

There are 3 types of implantation mentioned above procedure.

The first - instantaneous implantation, during which the gum is sutured after the implant is placed and further manipulations are performed only after complete healing.

Second - in addition to the placement of the implant, the patient is given a gum shaper, which prevents the patient from performing the above-mentioned manipulation and also helps the so-called. To maintain the "pink aesthetics" or to create a natural look of soft tissues at the site of implantation.

Third - a temporary crown is made on the implant placed in the place of the removed tooth. The temporary crown changes permanently after the implant heals. This type of instant implantation is considered to be the most effective from an aesthetic point of view today. With its help the patient does not have to walk without teeth. This method of express implantation is mainly used in the frontal area.

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Instant implantation of teeth and its advantages

Creating a beautiful look, especially in the frontal area - is no less important than the functions of chewing and speaking, and the contour of the gums is no less important than the color and shape of a properly selected tooth. The advantage of instant implantation is that whether we make a shaper or a temporary crown, we maintain soft tissue contours. In the case of two-moment implantation, we have to create these contours artificially.

What are the contraindications to instant implantation here?

Unfortunately, instantaneous implantation is not always the optimal treatment option because the implant cannot be placed as soon as the tooth is removed. For example, instantaneous implantation is not performed when the site of the removed tooth is marked by an inflammatory foci. Decompensated diabetes mellitus, severe bruxism, or uncontrolled gnashing of teeth are also common. In the phase of exacerbation or recurrence of a number of chronic diseases, heart attacks, strokes or hypertensive crises transmitted half a year ago. Smokers are also at risk. Although smoking is a conditional contraindication, it is entirely possible that it may be the cause of implant expulsion.

In other cases, subsequent instantaneous implantation of the tooth is permissible, which is not the case with instantaneous loading, i.e. making a temporary crown. Such situations include, for example, traumatic tooth extraction, insufficient volume of soft and cool tissues, unreliable fixation of the implant, and soft bone structure. In such cases, maximum gum formation is done, and if the tooth is in the aesthetic zone - temporary fixation of the orthopedic construction on the neighboring teeth.

Risks associated with instantaneous implantation

Truth be told, the risks during instantaneous implantation are greater than during two-stage implantation, although in percentage it does not make much difference. Moreover, this risk is justified when we need an instant highly aesthetic result.

Expulsion of the implant may be caused by its insufficient fixation and attachment of the temporary crown. Also noteworthy is the fact that after tooth extraction, if the wound is not sutured, it may become infected with plaque, leading to periimplantitis.

It is essential that the doctor correctly assess the condition of the oral cavity and make a decision to load the implant immediately or wait for it to heal.
