Dental Implants And Temporary Teeth

Temporary Tooth While Waiting For Dental Implant Needed? Explore Your Options

Who says you have to get a permanent tooth embedded in your jaw? Nobody, that’s who.

If you or your dentist believes you need a temporary tooth (i.e. a dental implant), you should know you have options — plenty of options.

In this article, not only will we discuss what your options are, but we’ll also discuss when you may need a dental implant.


Dental Implants And Temporary Teeth: The Options

If you need a dental implant but you’re not ready for one — whether it’s for financial or emotional reasons — you can opt for a temporary tooth (assuming your dentist recommends one).

Usually, a dental profesional will give you a temporary tooth when you’re waiting for the lab to make your permanent dentures. But sometimes, you can get a temporary tooth instead of an implant for the long-term.


Cemented Temporary Crowns

When it comes to temporary teeth, the cemented temporary crown is your best bet, although it’s not always possible. Plus, it can cause issues later on, so it’s not ideal for every patient.

The idea here is to cement the crown (the tooth-looking part of an implant) to the natural tooth or to the abutment of the implant.


