Teeth whitening with caps at home

This method has been used since 1989. Cap whitening of teeth is possible at home by the patient, independently of the doctor. At the individual caps made in the clinic, the patient listens to the whitening gel and can wear it everywhere: at work, while driving, during sleep and in any situation.


The simplicity of this method has made it popular. Teeth whitening at home involves taking a fingerprint and making individual caps. It is essential that the whitening system is selected by your dentist. Absolutely follow the rules of consumption! The whitening gel should be placed on the teeth only for a specified period of time.


It is important to know:

Stains, artificial structures (crowns and bridges) are not subject to whitening, as their replacement becomes necessary after whitening.


Prior to whitening, oral hygiene and professional hygiene are necessary, which involves brushing and cleaning the teeth from gums, gums and stones.

Teeth whitening with caps

We would like to introduce you to the American company Ultradent whitening system Opalescence PF 10%, 15%, 20%, containing urea peroxide and fluoride. A patented, adhesive & lubricating composition that adheres well to both caps and teeth.

15% urea peroxide (= 5% H2O2)

20% urea peroxide (= 7% H2O2)


The large amount of water in the gel promotes its action throughout the night for 8-10 hours. During the day it is enough to leave just 30 minutes. The gel is presented in standard (non-aromatic) as well as menthol, melon or banana flavors.


The patented composition of the gel takes effect after the first 30 minutes. When consumed at night, when the gel is active for 8-10 hours, a better result is obtained.


The fluorescent gel Opalescence PF has been well received by both physicians and patients. It contains 10-15-20% urea peroxide and 0.11% fluoride ions.


Display and methods of consumption

Whitening of unadulterated or live teeth:

It has been proven that the fluorescent gel Opalescence PF was effective in 95% of cases when naturally, pharmacologically, traumatically stained teeth were whitened.

The use of Opalescence PF is recommended to restore the lost color on the teeth before making veneers or crowns. To achieve color stability, it is better to wait 2 weeks after bleaching and then place artificial constructions or renew the stain.

How does the drug work?

Your dentist will take a fingerprint from your teeth. The result is an individual whitening cap. Opalescence is placed in the mentioned thin cap and then in the oral cavity - on the teeth. Within a specified period of time, urea peroxide decomposes and active oxygen reaches the tooth enamel and dentin. Discolored areas are whitened. Teeth whitening does not damage the tooth surface.


How safe is the teeth whitening process?

Those who want a "Hollywood smile" and white teeth often ask questions: "Well, let's say I whitened my teeth, then? Is it harmful? What will happen to my tooth enamel for example in 1, 5, or 15 years? Will the tooth be damaged?

Fears about the teeth whitening process and chemical whitening mechanisms that the enamel is cracking and rotting are false. It is often compared to bleaching linen with chlorine-containing substances.

In fact, teeth whitening does not cause any harm to the teeth: neither to the enamel, nor to the dentin, nor to the roots. In the chemical bleaching process, only the carbon lattice at the enamel-dentin boundary is replaced by oxygen radicals (OO), and hydrogen or urea carbonate (in our case, urea peroxide) decomposes during the bleaching process. As a result, the light transmittance of the enamel-dentin boundary saturated with oxygen free radicals increases and we get more "white teeth".


 When will I see the result?

The result is often seen the very next day. Optimal natural whiteness is basically achieved in 7 to 10 days. However, everything is individual and depends on the initial situation.


 How do I maintain the result I got?

During the whitening course you should avoid products and beverages that contain natural dyes (coffee, tea, red wine). You should also reduce the amount of nicotine taken during the day. Intake of these products should also be reduced after bleaching.


 Once your teeth have become white and fluffy, it is essential to maintain them. Follow hygiene as much as possible, brush your teeth 2 times a day and after eating foods containing all natural dyes. Use additional hygiene products (floss, irrigator, interdental brushes). You can also use whitening toothpastes and toothpastes to maintain the result obtained.
