What are lingual or invisible braces ?!

Many patients, when offered orthodontic treatment, ask the question: "How should I walk with these irons now?"

We want to reassure you that dentistry is evolving at a rapid pace, so it is now possible to treat it with a completely invisible bracket system. This system is very interesting in the sense that it reflects the trend of modern dentistry in medicine, specifically, even the exclusion of the human factor from treatment, its individuality.

Lingual braces

How to use invisible braces?

It is no secret that in medicine, as in life, people make mistakes. With this in mind, the trend in modern life is reflected in automation and standardization.

The trend has naturally reached as far as medicine, and while it is necessary to take into account many nuances and factors for planning and conducting treatment, modern equipment helps doctors.


Such an approach to the case is reflected in the lingual braces. These are individually made lingual braces as well as individual arcs.

Important is the fact that special computer programs are involved in the planning and forecasting of treatment, as well as in the calculation of bracket system and arc parameters.

As a result, the patient gets exactly the result they expected, and the likelihood of orthodontic errors in the treatment process is virtually ruled out.

After all the necessary examinations, the orthodontist takes a dental implant and sends it to a laboratory in Germany. A special form is sent with the prints, which describes the condition of the occlusion and other necessary information. German technicians print the models with the obtained prints. Next, the prints are cut segmentally while the teeth are drawn in the required direction. These so-called Setup-models reflect the condition of the dentition after treatment.

There is a more advanced method, even without making Setup models. In this case, the patient's prints are scanned, and the movement of the teeth and the prediction of treatment is carried out by a special program.


The next step is to scan the Setup models and prints. Accordingly, the computer calculates the parameters of the brackets and arcs.

According to the mentioned calculations, a special device prepares individual brackets. This means that each tooth matches its original bracket, which increases the effectiveness and comfort of the treatment.


The made brackets are fixed in a special cap, in a strictly defined sequence. It is completed with arcs, the necessary documentation and sent to the treating physician.

Lingual braces Capitlingual braces Capitamanate contains diagnostic and setup models, individual brackets placed in caps, a set of arcs defined throughout the treatment period. Necessary documentation related to the treatment plan.


When can we start treatment?

Before fixing the braces, all patients need oral sanitation, professional cleaning and the study of individual hygiene skills.

Fixation of lingual braces First, the doctor removes the soft plaque. A special gel is then placed on the tongue surface for acid engraving. The goal is to create a chaotic surface on the enamel for better fixation. The gel has a special sharp color for easy viewing. In 30-40 seconds, the gel is rinsed from the teeth, and an adhesive (bond) is placed on the created khao surface. It is needed for better attachment of the bracket fixing material to the enamel. Before the assistant lights the adhesive, the doctor places a special fixation mass on the inner surface of the braces. Special two-component, double (chemical and beam) reinforcing material is used for fixing. Since the brackets are in the cap, they are not positioned. The doctor simply places the cap on the teeth and then illuminates them. As a result, the braces are glued to the teeth in the required places. The doctor is left to lift the cap and fasten the arc.


Lingual braces, Ech

The principle of operation of these braces is the same as for vestibular type braces. The arc is made of a material with a shape memory, has a certain bending and rigidity. The arc fixed on the brackets gradually returns to its original shape (like a spring), this pressure is transferred to the brackets. As a result, the teeth move.


Lingual braces, cap removal

It should be noted that very important in orthodontics, the position of the brackets and the properties of the arches play a role. Simply put, if the bracket is attached incorrectly, it can lead to serious complications, even tooth loss.

With an individual bracket system, incorrect positioning is ruled out because each bracket is made for a specific situation and a specific tooth. The bracket is fixed in the cap and when placed on the tooth, it takes its place. That is why this method of treatment has a predetermination and we do not need to worry about what the outcome will be in the future.


The most obvious plus is the aesthetic
