Doctor _ Tamar Gabelashvili

Speciality : Orthodontist

Tamar Gabelashvili


  • 2006-2011 – Grigol Robakidze University (Alma-Mater), Faculty of Dentistry – academic degree of a certified dentist;
  • 2013-2015 – Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education, residency in orthodontic dentistry;
  • 2015 – State Certificate in Orthodontic Dentistry;


Courses of professional development:

  • 11.2008 – Master class on aesthetic restoration of the Ukrainian professor Sergey Radlinsky: “Aesthetic Restoration of Front Teeth” and “Teeth Abrasion” (Georgia);
  • 11.2009 – 11.27.2009 – RADIX Research Center, topic – “Stem Cells – Medicine of the Future”, “Innovations and Actual Problems in Medicine” (Georgia);
  • 11.2013 – 23.11.2013 – “lll Slobozhanske Dental Forum” (Ukraine);
  • 05.2015 – “Trends in the Development of Dentistry” (Ukraine);
  • 01.2015 – Kharkiv Orthodontic Forum – Professor M. Dragomiretsky (Ukraine);
  • 10.2015 – “KaVo Days in Georgia 2015” – “The Modern Concept and Psychology of Children’s Acceptance at the Clinic. Family Adaptation Programs, Preventive and Diagnostic Programs”- pediatric dentist Olga Melnikova (Georgia);
  • 10.2015, Tbilisi – “KaVo Days in the Caucasus 2015” – “Computed Tomography in Dentistry”, maxillofacial surgeon, roentgenologist: Larisa Dakhno (Georgia);
  • 05.2016 – Pre-congress course, topic – “Orthodontic treatment in adulthood, where does the border lie?” – Vittorio Kachafesta-Italy (Armenia);
  • 05.2016-08-08.2016 – “Armenian Second Congress on Orthodontics” (Armenia);
  • 04.2017-23.04.2017 – “Functional Occlusion” – Stanislav Blum (Georgia);
  • 09-11.09.2017 – Third International Workshop on Dentistry at Lopota (Georgia);
  • 11.2017 – “Functional Appliances”, Peter Borbely (Georgia);
  • 11.2017 – “1st International Congress of the Georgian Pediatric Dentistry Association” (Georgia);
  • 25.11.2017 – “Occlusion, Temporomandibular Disorder and Orofacial Pain, the Facts and the Fantasies’’, Jeffrey Okeson (Georgia);
  • 03.2018-23.03.2018 – Course on orthodontics according to the philosophy of “Tvidis and Merrifield” – speakers Bahrom Nasrullayev and Zafar Husanov (Turkey);
  • 09.2018-26.09.2018 – “Treatment of Class 2”: The “Gold Standard” Herbst Appliance during Class 2. Orthodontics before or after orthognathic surgery, during the distal bite. Dalia Lukauskiene (Batumi);
  • 09.018-26.09.2018 – “Diagnostics in Orthodontics, master class” – speaker Zafar Husanov (Kazakhstan) Tbilisi.
  • 18.08.2019-19.08.2019 – “Modern Concepts in Modern Orthodontics” – speaker Domingo Martin;
  • 23.02.2019 – “Orthodontic Treatment in Class III” – speaker John Bennett.
  • 12.04.2019 – Strategic Thinking in Orthodontics. Dr. Itamar M. Friendlander. Barcelona.


Professional experience:

  • 11.05.2015-present – Dental Clinic Nino Beridze Orthodontic Center – orthodontist.

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