Doctor _ Pavle Khujadze

Speciality : Orthoped / implantologist

Pavle Khujadze


  • 1995-2000 – Tbilisi State Medical University, faculty of Stomatology
  • 2000-2002 – Novosibirsk State Medical Academy, post graduate full course of Therapeutical stomatology  (Russia)
  • 11/02-14/06 2009 post graduate program of Surgical Dentistry
  • 14/02-12/05 2011 post graduate program of Pediatric Surgical Dentistry
  • 31/01-31/07 2014 post graduate program of Prostodontic Dentistry


Training Courses

  • 21.09/2000        -  3M “modern dental materials and techniques.”
  • 15-16.09/2007   -  frontal teeth restoration with Amelogen Plus – Dr. Den Fischer 
  • 19-21.06/2008   -  modeling of contact point class II by Black. Using a Silicone Preparation Guide For Veneers 
  • 2009                  -  clinical endodontic - Dr. Igor Tsesis
  • 12.05/2010        – The use of laser technology in dentistry – Prof  I. Mazur and E. Stupnitskaia
  • 12.06/ 2010       – Minimal Invasive Esthetic Dentistry – Dr. Nacer Benbachir
  • 30.04-01.05/2011  -   International Dental Congress of Scientific Center Radix, Tbilisi
  • 14.05/2011         -  Periodontal Diseases and Dental Implantation. Hands-on training and live surgery -  Dr. Freddi Zelener
  • 27-28.01/2012   -  Multi-Disciplinary Course in field of Prosthodontics Course & Implants Surgical – Prof. Nissan Joseph and Prof. Chaushu Gavriel
  • 01.07.2012    -   Diagnostic aspects of application of cone-beam computer tomography and 3D-teqnologies   in an out-patient dental practice, maxillofacial surgery and otorhinolaryngology – Prof. Marina Chibisova.
  • 16-17.11/2012   -   “Basic Implantology” – Dr. Artur Zakarian
  • 11-12.01/2013   -   “Basic surgery and prostodontic on Implants” – Boris Fridzon, CDT, MDT. Vladislav Avetov Mentor, Nobel Biocare Lecturer
  • 27.04/2013        -   The First International Congress of Implantology in Georgia
  • 20-21.07/2013   -   “The Way to Success in the Indirect Restoration” – Nazariy Mykhaylyuk, Baku
  • 20-24.08/2013   -   ICDE International Center of Dental Education Ivoclar Vivadent - Dr. Victor Daub
  • 16.11/2013        -  “Dialog Vario” light curing composite, producing indirect inley, onlay overlay, veneer, crown and bridges on metal and zirconium constructions. DT Paul Martini
  • 29-30.11/2013   -  The Art of Soft & Hard Tissues Management Using of “Alpha-Bio Tec” System – Dr. Erasto Shengelia
  • 23-24.12/2013   -  “Clinical integrated approach of all imaging techniques used for oral and maxillofacial pathology diagnosis or for treatment planning in dentistry”.
  • 16-18.04/2014   -   “Smile design and interdisciplinary communication in aesthetic dentistry” - Dr. Iaroslav Stelmakh, DT. Ievgenii Pashinskyi.
  • 26-27.04/2014   -  “The Second International Congress of Implantology in Georgia”.
  • 14-15.06/2014   -   “Contemporary aspects of oral surgery and prosthodontics”. – Dr.Givi Ordzhonikidze’
  • 5.07/2014          -   “Oral Implantology ” – Dr. Kakha Gurgenidze
  • 25-26.07/2014   -   International Congress of Georgian Stomatology Assotiation
  • 26-27.10/2014   -  International Congress Nobel Biocare World 2G: The modern concepts as a factor in successful implant treatment – Dr. Aleksandr Gorlov, Prof. Aram Davidian. Dr. Maksym Liesnukhin, Dr. Hamlet Mkrtchyan, DT. Igor Mjaskiwker
  • 09-10.05/2015   -  Basic Course of Implant Prosthetics – Dr. Suren Davtyan
  • 27-28.11/2015   -  “Innovations in CAD/CAM Technology 2015”. Dr. Sergiy Pyaniga, Dr. Oleg Strebkov, Dr. Yaroslav Stelmah, Dr. Maksym Liesnukhin
  • 05.12/2015       -   Prosthetic Dentistry –Precision impressions in prosthetic dentistry and cementation of fixed prosthesis –Dr. Murad Muradov
  • 09.05/2016      -  “Dental Photography” – Dr. Yaroslav Stelmah
  • 4-5.06/2016     -  Nobel Biocare Congress: “Modern concepts as key factors for successful implant treatment”. – Prof. Aram Davidian, Dr. Maxim Kopylov. Dr. Aleksey Reshetnikov, Dr. Ekaterina Ulyanova.
  • 12.09/2016      -  Do it yourself – from impression to provisional –Dr. Felix Wörhle, Hamburg, Germany.
  •  14-15.09/2016 -  Micro vision prosthetics – Dr Nazariy Mykhaylyuk 
  • May 7, 2017     – “KaVo Days”. Dimitri Chornyi. Tbilisi;
  • July 21-22-23, 2017 – Mikhail Chernov and Sabir Kakhramanov, Tbilisi;
  • 11.2017 – “Role of Piezosurgery in Implantology”. Majed Abu Arkub, Tbilisi;
  • December 12-15, 2017 – “Total Transformation” by Nazar Mikhailyuk. Bukovel, Ukraine;
  • 02.18 – “Minimally invasive techniques of sinus lifting, surgical and orthopedic techniques of immediate loading of dental implants”, Gil Asafrana, Andi Boyang, Tbilisi;
  • February 17-18, 2018 – “Direct Composite Restorations in Anterior Teeth”, Denis Krutikov. Tbilisi;
  • March 24-25, 2018 – “Implant Prosthodontics and Digital Protocols”. Andrey Krasnozhon, Tbilisi;
  • 03.-01.04.2018 – “Success Criteria in Implant Dentistry”. Renat Ayubov, Tbilisi;
  • 04.2018 – “European Vision in Dental Implantology”. Prof. Manfred Lang, Tbilisi;
  • May 12-13, 2018 – “Planning For Dental Prosthetics, Implant Prosthodontics”. Murad Muradov, Tbilisi;
  • June 11-12, 2018 – “Modern Course on Implantology“. Prof. Erwin Weiss. Petah Tikva, Israel;
  • 09-10.07. 2018 –“Implantation Planning with the Use of Surgical Templates”. Vladimir Yatsukha, Tbilisi;
  • 10.2018 – “The Evolution of Surgery at Dental Clinic”. Andrey Koistrik, Tbilisi;
  • 10.2018 –PerioTbilisi 2018;
  • 11.2018 – “Practical Visions in Orthopedic and Surgical Dentistry at Combined Appointment”. Givi Orjonikidze, Tbilisi;
  • 11.2018 – “MIS DAY When Technology Meets Biology”. Mikheil Dziuba, Tbilisi;
  • 09-10.12. 2018 – “Adhesive Restorations”. Dimitri Kompaniets, Tbilisi.
  • 30.03.2019 – Methods of guided bone regeneration. Oleg Ponomarev. Tbilisi

  • 05.08-09.08.2019 – ist vertraut mit der Verarbeitung der IVOCLAR VIVADENT Materialien, den speziellen Arbeitctechniken und der Funktions-weise der eingesetzten IVOCLAR VIVADENT Geräte

  • 10.09.2019 – MIS Prosthetic Course. Elad Ginat. Tbilisi

  • 31.10.2019 – Straumann product training in Implant surgery and prosthetics

  • 21.11-23-11.2019 Prosthesis and esthetics dentistry full immersion. Dr. Massironi. Italy.

  • 07.12.2019 MIS DAY Stavros Pelekanos & Panagiotis Lampropoulos

  • 21.02.2020 Neobiotech day’s Georgia. Edgar Cabrera. Tbilisi


Professional Background:

  • 2002-2007 – Private Entrepreneur S.S. Dental Office – general practitioner;
  • 2007-2013 – Dental Clinic “Dent-Office” – general practitioner, surgeon;
  • 2009-2010 – General Medical Center “Med+” – general practitioner, surgeon;
  • 2010-2011 – Dental Clinic “DentoClub” – general practitioner, surgeon;
  • 2010-present – “Nino Beridze’s Orthodontic Center” – general practitioner, surgeon, orthopedist, implant surgeon.

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