Doctor _ Natia Tsiklauri

Speciality : Therapist

Natia Tsiklauri



  • 2001-2004 - Tbilisi Second Medical School Faculty - "Orthopedic Dentistry".
  • 2004-2009 - Tbilisi University "Geomedy" Faculty - Therapeutic Dentistry.
  • 21.12.2009-21.12.2010 - Residency - "Dentistry Clinic and Training-Research Center Unident" Therapeutic Dentistry.
  • 27.07.2011 - State certificate of permitted specialty "Therapeutic Dentistry".


Courses of Professional Development:


  • 28.05.2010 Training Course (Hands-on) of Professor Dr. RENATO DE TOLEDO LEONARDO “Technological Resources and Biological Concepts in Minimally Invasive Endodontics”. 
  • 30.04-01.05/2011 - Radix 1st International Dental Congress. 
  • 6-7/04.2013 - Tbilisi 3rd International Dental Congress. 
  • 12-13/04.2014 - Tbilisi 4th INTERNATIONAL DENTAL CONGRESS. 
  • 31.05.2014 - Master class and Lecture course of “Direct restoration of anterior & posterior teeth”.
  • 26.07.2014  - Construction of Adhesive Bridges- Function and Aesthetic. 
  • 26.04.2015 - The 3rd Tbilisi International Congress on Dental Implantology “FROM SURGERY TO PROSTHETICS”.
  • 17.09.2015 - Tbilisi 5th International Dental Congress STULE ITALIANO lecture. 
  • 28.04.2017 - Tbilisi 7th International Dental Congress.
  • 12.05.2018 - Advanced technologies and latest concepts of “DURR Dental“ academy in prophylaxis and treatment of parodontitis and oral diseases. 
  • 29-30/11.2018 - Direct restoration of anterior and posterior teeth & Breaking limits of endodontics.
  • 7.05.2022 - international dental education academy "MASTER MTA". certified member of "styleitaliano endodontics gold". 
  • 6.11.2022 - Georgian Association of Pediatric Dentistry, 4th International Congress of Georgian Association of Pediatric Dentistry.
  • 2-3.12.2022 - GC Euripe N.V, practical course in Various emulation protocol for color selection in dentistry From Direct Restoration to Concealed Restoration.

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