
Periodontitis is cavity inflammation.

Initial stage is almost asymptomatic. Disease becomes noticeable when gums are inflamed, start bleeding and swell. Teeth roots are exposed and sensitivity increases, teeth start loosening and bad smell is coming from oral cavity. In such case, visit stomatologist without delay.

Peridontitis treatment at its initial stage is much easier and more effective. Belated treatment will result in premature loss of teeth and spread of the disease.

Most frequent causes of Peridontitis are:

malnutrition of parodentium and innervation disturbance. Very important part is played by pathogenic microorganisms’ development and reproduction within dental calculus and plaque, as well as, by destroyed teeth, malnutrition, smoking, alcohol and old fillings.
Blood vessel and endocrine pathologies, avitaminosis, traumatic occlusion, delayed prosthetics increase the risk of peridontitis development.

During peridontitis infection penetrates dentogingival conjugation and leads to its injury, followed by destruction of supporting apparatus.

Unsecured tooth becomes unstable, mobile and needs to be extracted.
Hence it is important to eliminate nidus of infection, as well as, lost bone tissue.

Nowadays this disease is curable.

“Nino Beridze Orthodontal Center” specialists will take care of your gums well-being and beauty of your teeth.
