Doctor _ Eka Khundzakishvili

Speciality : Orthodontist

Eka Khundzakishvili


  • 1994-1999 – Tbilisi University Georgia
  • 2000-2001 –Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Continuous Professional Development, full course of Residenture, majoring in Dentistry;
  • 2010-2012 – Tbilisi State Medical University, Postgraduate Medical Education and Continuous Professional Development in Orthodontia;


Courses of Professional Development:

  • 2004- Tbilisi – Treatment and Restoration of problematic channels, prof. Chiliniki, Sadovski, Margvelashvili;
  • 2010- Baku – News/ Orthodontia/Orthopedy, prof. Darec Mahoni;
  • 2012- Baku –Orthodontia of adults, use of MBT techniq for extractions, prof. Vitorio Cachiafesta;
  • 2012- Tbilisi – Anchorage in Orthodontia with mini inplantes, prof. Alejandro Mario Greco
  • 2014- Tbilisi – Course for Aligners, prof. Alyona Bogoliubova, Oleg Suzdaltsev
  • 2012, Tbilisi – Anchorage with Microimplants in Orthodontics. Prof. Alexandro Mario Greko;
  • 2013, Tbilisi – Orthognatic Surgery;
  • 2014 – “Damon System: Class I Open Bite, Class I Deep Bite, Class II Open Bite, Class III Open Bite, Class III Deep Bite”, Dr.Marija Rakic Trajovska;
  • 2014, Tbilisi – “KaVo Days in the Caucasus 2015” – “Computed Tomography in Dentistry”, maxillofacial surgeon: Larisa Dakhano;
  • 2015, Tbilisi – “KaVo Days in the Caucasus 2015” – “Computed Tomography in Dentistry”, maxillofacial surgeon: Larisa Dakhano;
  • 2017, Tbilisi – “Individual Approaches in Orthodontics”;
  • 2017, Belarus, Minsk, – “Early orthodontic treatment, when, why and how can be corrected the pathological bite of the molars without touching? Marco Rosa;
  • 2017 – International Congress on Pediatric Dentistry;
  • 2018 Baku, Azerbaijan – Theoretical and practical course “Biomechanics in Orthodontics”; Dr.Nazrulleav Bakhrom. Dr.Husanov Zafar;
  • 2018 – “Modern Concepts of Orthodontics”, Dr. Domingo Martin;
  • 2018 – “Orthodontic Diagnosis and Treatment Plan”, Dr. Husanov Zafar;
  • 04.11.2017 – “Functional Appliances”, Peter Borbely (Georgia);
  • 12.11.2017 – “1st International Congress of the Georgian Pediatric Dentistry Association” (Georgia);
  • – “Occlusion, Temporomandibular Disorder and Orofacial Pain, the Facts and the Fantasies’’, Jeffrey Okeson (Georgia);
  • 29.09.2018-26.09.2018 – “Diagnostic Master Class”, speaker Husanov Zafar (Kazakhstan), Tbilisi;
  • 11.01.2019 – 12.01.2019 Tbilisi – “Open Bite, Deep Bite”, lecturer Dmitry Bogatirkov;
  • 15.10.2015 – “KaVo Days in Georgia 2015” – “The Modern Concept and Psychology of Children’s Acceptance at the Clinic. Family Adaptation Programs, Preventive and Diagnostic Programs”- pediatric dentist Olga Melnikova (Georgia);
  • 16.10.2015 – “KaVo Days in Georgia 2015” – “Computed Tomography in Dentistry”, maxillofacial surgeon, radiologist Larisa Dakhano (Georgia);
  • 22.04.2017-23.04.2017 – “Functional Occlusion” – Stanislav Blum (Georgia).


Professional background

  • 2002-2005 – Dental Clinic N&M, doctor therapist;
  • 2005-2013 – Dental Clinic Healthy Dent, doctor therapist;
  • 2012-2013 – Dental Clinic Healthy Dent, doctor orthodontist;
  • 2012-up today - Dental Clinic Nino Beridze Orthodontic Center, doctor orthodontist



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