When should we visit pediatric dentist?

Elene Kharashvili, a doctor at the Nino Beridze Kids Dental Center, answers the questions.

- When should we go to a pediatric dentist?
- After cutting the first tooth.

- Why so early?
- Because when we have a tooth, there is a risk of caries. The dentist will advise you exactly how to take care of your teeth properly and avoid bad habits, including finger sucking, prolonged use of the udder. You will also receive a recommendation regarding proper nutrition. Being an attentive and active parent today means helping your child have a healthy smile in the future.

- How to prepare a child for a visit to the dentist?
- Talk about a visit to the clinic in advance as an interesting trip.
Keep in mind that your fears and anxieties will easily be postponed by the child, so try to never show your anxiety. Do not say things like "Do not be afraid", "Do not be hurt" and "Be patient" to hear them. Instead, you can tell them to count and inspect their teeth. You can also play the scene of the visit at home. There is no need for family members to detail their negative experiences with the dentist. Preferably the first visit should coincide with a prophylactic adjustment and not be associated with pain. At this time more trust and friendship is formed between the patient and the doctor.

1. Choose the first half of the day for the visit, while the child is more relaxed and cooperates well. Do not match the visit while the baby is sleeping.
2. The child should not be hungry.
3. If the child seems bored, get involved, refer to the dentist. Remember that you are on the same team.

- Are sweets really that bad for your teeth?
- this is true! Frequent consumption of sugar and carbohydrates is harmful to the teeth. When a child takes sweets, the acidity in the oral cavity increases, which negatively affects the tooth enamel. So as soon as a child bites a person with a cookie or sprinkling candy, try to brush their teeth or rinse with water. Do not drink sweets or sweetened liquids before going to bed.

- Why are baby teeth important?
- Breast teeth are important for a baby's health and growth. They help him chew and talk. Provide them with a charming and confident smile.
Breast teeth are preparing the place for permanent teeth in the future. If the baby removes the baby tooth prematurely, the space allotted for the permanent tooth is lost, which in the future will cause the baby to have incorrect dentition. This is why it is important to take care of baby teeth from an early age.
