How to take care of baby's baby teeth?

How to take care of baby's baby teeth?

For up to two years, it is enough to clean the mouth once a day, before going to bed, as baby gets older, teach them to hold a small brush in hand and teach them to brush teeth after breakfast too, after intermediate feeding, tell them to rinse mouth with water.

The brush should have a head that matches the size of a baby's tooth, and the edges - rounded so as not to damage the delicate mucosa, the grooves are better synthetic - the natural material is too porous, so bacteria in it easily nest and multiply.

The bristles of the brush should be wide, comfortable to hold. Replace the brush once every three months. When buying a brush, pay attention to the packaging - the age of the child must be indicated on it.

A child under the age of 3 should be helped by a parent to brush their teeth. Brushing your teeth is necessary twice a day, morning and evening. If the child is able to do this independently, you just have to keep an eye on how well they are doing and whether they are using the right amount of paste. Constantly remind your little one that toothpaste should not be swallowed. Until you make sure your child is brushing their teeth properly, be sure to help them.
