When do baby teeth erupt?

When do baby teeth erupt?

The first baby teeth begin to erupt in a period of 6 months to 1 year.
The process of eruption is individual and for many children, it can also be quite painful. Most children by the age of 3 already have 20 baby teeth.

Deadlines for cutting baby teeth are:


  • Usually, most babies cut their first tooth at the age of 6-8 months
  • 8-14 months - Central incisor
  • 12-16 months - First molar
  • 16-24 months - Canine or Cuspid
  • 20-30 months - Second molar
  • The last teeth come through at the age of 2,5-3 years and the little one should have a total of 20 baby teeth by this time
